Unless you’ve been living on a yacht in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is a good chance you have been negatively impacted by Covid-19. Costa Rica has been fortunate so far with a relatively low number of coronavirus cases compared to some other countries. In times like these there is a lot of anxiety due to the virus health concerns, unemployment, stock market fears, etc. etc. so it’s very important to get your mind off all the media negativity. An excellent way to get your mind off the crisis is by planning a relaxing family vacation after the dust settles and travel restrictions are inevitably lifted. Planning or postponing a much-needed trip to Costa Rica will improve your own mental health by giving you something to look forward to. I like to call it “The light at the end of a long dark tunnel’.
In addition, planning or postponing your trip to Costa Rica will also help the local economy in tourist towns like Jaco Beach and Los Sueños that really depend on tourist activity. The Covid-19 crisis occurred at the worst possible time of the year for the coastal tourist towns as they are in the middle of the Costa Rica summer aka “High Season”. High Season is the most popular time of year for tourism and when all the restaurants, hotels, tour guides, sport fishing, bars, casinos, shops, and rental companies make most of the revenue for the year. By “postponing” and leaving your trip confirmed with an open-ended date you will be giving all the “Mom & Pop” shops a chance to forecast revenues and could literally be the difference between some of the local businesses staying open or closed.
Costa Rica has done an exceptional job with Social Distancing and I’ve been amazed how fast the entire community in Jaco Beach and Los Sueños has retreated back inside their homes. I’m not a doctor but I assume taking Social Distancing seriously in Costa Rica has made it difficult for the virus to spread and most likely the reason the number of Covid-19 cases in Costa Rica remain very low. That being said, there is a very serious downside as Social Distancing and Travel Restrictions could have a devastating impact on the local economy. In closing, let’s make “Postponing” and continuing to plan your trip a WIN WIN for everyone and keep that open-ended date. The airlines, hotels, and rental properties are offering historic low prices right now for future FLEXIBLE bookings. The coronavirus will eventually end so let’s take advantage of this opportunity to get just what we need when normal Pura Vida (Pure Life) returns…
Must-see video:
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with your Costa Rica Real Estate needs or any questions regarding Los Sueños or the Jaco area.